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Blog Post 6: Create Something of Interest

The key to all good content is knowing who your reader is and understanding what they want. The article,

takes an in depth look of how to create a website that will not just interest its reader, but completely engage them. The key to doing this is not with words alone, but with visuals and audio too. A reader-centered website should be easy to navigate for a reader. Personally, one of the more frustrating things about websites are all the ads that clutter the main interface of the site. Ads are distracting and often slow down the operation of the site itself. While website creators require ads to make money off their site, there are good ways to go about incorporating them.

Websites that are easy to navigate are often the most successful. There is a lot to consider when planning the roadmap of websites. It is crucial to make sure that pages flow in a way that is logical for the reader. They should not have to search for anything, rather, it should make sense to seek out the content they desire to read. The homepage of any website should not only establish the main idea of the website, or what it is setting out to accomplish, but also provide links to other pages. Websites are often like real life roads. There is nothing worse than wandering through a website, searching for the page you want, but not easily finding the way to it.

Once the road map has been established, the presentation of the actual content needs to be planned out. The major plot points should be a prominent feature on the site, and any minor details should be nearby. Using pictures in place of words is always useful for the reader. People want easy and accessible. Save the words for the primary meat of the information that is published on the sight. Any sight that is too wordy, no matter how relevant and interesting the writing is, could potentially deter someone from reading the page.

Design is also a key part to a successful page. Readers are attracted to less clutter and vivid graphics. According the article, Composing Multimodal Texts Through Use of Images, Audio, and Video, copyright is a factor that should be taken seriously. It is important to know what can be used on a site because it is considered “fair use.” Not following copyright laws could result in the removal of the page.

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